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Advanced violin technique (in english)

Advanced violin technique (in english)

Francesco Sfilio Advanced violin technique The publication of this volume is both an overdue act of justice for the violinist Francesco Sfilio, who died almost forgotten in the..


Nuova scuola violinistica italiana (italian, english, german, french and spanish)

Nuova scuola violinistica italiana (italian, english, german, french and spanish)

Francesco Sfilio Nuova scuola violinistica italiana (italian, english, german, french and spanish) Con traduzioni in inglese, tedesco, francese, spagnolo. NEW ITALIAN VIOLIN S..


The Saxophone Book (PDF) (in english)

The Saxophone Book (PDF) (in english)

Mario Marzi The Saxophone Book (PDF) The Saxophone Book, the English edition of the bestselling Il saxofono by Italian sax virtuoso Mario Marzi, is a carefully researched and i..


The Trumpet Book (in english)

The Trumpet Book (in english)

Gabriele Cassone The Trumpet Book (in english) The Trumpet Book, the English edition of the celebrated La Tromba by Italian trumpet virtuoso Gabriele Cassone, is a thoroughly r..


The Trumpet Book (PDF) (in english)

The Trumpet Book (PDF) (in english)

Gabriele Cassone The Trumpet Book (in english) The Trumpet Book, the English edition of the celebrated La Tromba by Italian trumpet virtuoso Gabriele Cassone, is a thoroughly r..


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